Book Covid Anti Spike Antibody Test @ Delhi NCR

Book Covid Antibody Test in DELHI, NOIDA & Ghaziabad online from Oncquest Laboratories with free Home Sample collection. Cost of Covid Anti Spike Antibody Test in Delhi NCR is Rs. 1400. This test home sample collection facility available in Delhi, Noida & Ghaziabad only.

Covid-19 Anti Spike IgG Antibody (SARS-CoV-2)

book covid spike antibody test


1. Same day, Report by 7 pm, if sample is collected 12:00PM.

2. Report will be sent via email/Whatsapp No.

3. If details are not found proper, order would be cancelled.

Note: We are Authorized Health Partner of Oncquest Laboratories Ltd. We will take the order and send it to Oncquest Laboratories for processing. Sample Collection, Reports Generation will be done by Oncquest Laboratories.You need to Pay online at a time of collecting sample. You will get payment link once the order is confirmed. CASH payment option is not available

The SARS-COV-2 Spike Protein Antibody test is designed to find out the protective immunity level achieved post vaccination and infection in a human body. The test measures the exact amount of antibodies present against the viral spike protein. Generation of neutralizing protective antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein directly correlates with the protection gained by an individual post vaccination. This test answers whether the individual has protective antibodies that will fight the COVID-19 infection if exposed to the virus. For this purpose, Oncquest Laboratories LTD has started the SARS-COV-2 Spike Protein Antibody test.



SARS-COV 2 Spike Protein IgG Antibody test detects the presence and amount of antibodies specific to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein which will prevent the virus from entering the cell.

Antibodies are produced as an immune response to the COVID-19 antigen. Role of these antibodies can be protective & as an evidence to the exposure of SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19).

  • Antibodies are produced late in the first week (5-7 days). IgM reaches peak by end of 2nd week (14 days). IgG antibody usually becomes positive after 8 – 13 days of infection & peaks around 21 days.
    *Longevity of IgG is not established. Therefore, retesting with IgG testing is advisable after every 3 months.
  • At 0-7 days of infection: At 0-7 days, RT PCR test can be done to detect the presence of the virus in this early phase of infection. Rapid Antigen test for Covid can also be done in this period, but it has low sensitivity.
  • 7-14 days: The viral load has now decreased and the antibody levels start rising as the patient moves towards recovery. Antibody tests can be used for detection of immune response.
  • After 14 Days: After 14 days, the RT PCR test should report negative if the patient has recovered. The major Anti-COVID-19 antibody circulating in the body at this stage is IgG*. The Antibody test will still remain positive as antibodies can persist in the body for long, and might provide immunity to future infections.

This virus mainly spreads through physical contact with any affected person. When an infected person coughs, the virus gets released from the affected person’s body through small droplets and sticks in objects or surfaces. When a person unknowingly touches the floors or objects, then the virus gets transmitted to that person. The virus can mainly spread in several ways, such as,

  • Mass gathering
  • Shaking hands or hugging any affected person
  • Sharing food items
  • Touching objects or surfaces where the presence of coronavirus is possible.

Test can be booked on, & Home Collection of Test on 07838001144


RT PCR & Antigen are specifically recommended by ICMR to diagnose infection by SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)

Positive Results mean that infection by SARS CoV-2 has been confirmed.

Negative Results mean that infection by SARS CoV-2 is not confirmed. Negative result by Antigen test in a symptomatic patient shall require confirmation by RT PCR.

Positive Antibody Testing establishes exposure to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection. This has a relevance from sero-surveillance/ epidemiology point of view.

Negative Antibody test means that exposure to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection is not established.

  • COVID RT-PCR Nasopharyngeal swab test is the definite diagnosis for SARS CoV 2 infection.
    The FDA approved two types of tests for diagnosing COVID Molecular (RT PCR) and Rapid Antigen Test.

    • COVID RT-PCR test- This test detects the genetic material of the virus using a lab technique called polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Also called a PCR test, a health care worker collects fluid from a nasal or throat swab or from saliva. COVID Molecular tests are considered very accurate when properly performed by a healthcare professional.

    • COVID Antigen Test- This newer COVID-19 test detects certain proteins that are part of the virus. Using a nasal or throat swab to get a fluid sample, a Rapid Antigen Test for COVID can produce results in minutes. Because these tests are faster and available at less expensive cost than molecular tests are, some experts consider antigen tests more practical to use for large numbers of people. A positive COVID 19 antigen test result is considered very accurate, but there’s an increased chance of false-negative results – meaning it’s possible to be infected with the virus but have negative antigen test results. So Antigen Test for COVID 19 isn’t as sensitive as the molecular/RT-PCR test. Depending on the situation, the doctor may recommend a COVID RT-PCR test to confirm a negative antigen test result.

    • The antibody test for COVID helps to find recovery or seroconversion from the virus and done 2 weeks of post symptoms. The timing and type of COVID antibody test affect accuracy. so test ideally done after 2 weeks of infection

    • Another benefit of accurate COVID antibody testing is that people who’ve recovered from COVID-19 may be eligible to donate plasma, a part of their blood.
    • The coronavirus antibody test results indicate how many people had COVID-19 and recovered, including those who didn’t have symptoms. This aids in determining who might have immunity. It can also help in contact tracing to assess who else is at risk of infection and how far the disease spread. All of this data will help improve strategies to curb the COVID-19 pandemic.

    • But the World Health Organization cautions that there’s a lack of evidence on whether having antibodies means you’re protected against reinfection with COVID-19. The level of immunity and how long immunity lasts are not yet known




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